Essay writing service UAE with top quality in Dubai

The top 6% of talents work for us We check the quality of all orders 19+ years of helping students Rely on us for personalized papers by real professionals

Our top quality stems from professionalism

The best of the best
Only the top 6% of all experts who apply for our positions get to assist you with your papers.
Full quality control
Our quality system includes AI and plagiarism checks, feedback to experts, and daily supervision
19+ years on market
You can safely rely on our experience at any time since we know how to assist you.
We’re ready to help! Click here to get personalized assistance with your papers.

How our essay writing service UAE works

Save time and improve your writing skills with our help

AI check Plagiarism check

1 Give us instructions
Our order form allows you to easily convert your request into clear and precise guidelines. Share requirements
Brief us and go
2 Top-level writing
The best-fitting expert completes your paper, following your instructions to the letter.
Writing magic happens
3 Done!
Now, you can enjoy your top-quality paper from a professional writer. Place an order
Your problem solved

Our writers are the best at providing custom help

Every expert is always ready for academic writing challenges

Malik S.
Malik S.
Ph.D. Business Coach
Business Studies Management Marketing
Dissertation chapter, research paper
99% satisfaction rate 99% on time rate 48h+ delivery
David S.
David S.
MBA Sales manager
Finance Economics Management
Essay, article review, coursework
97% satisfaction rate 98% On time rate 8h+ delivery
Emily W.
Emily W.
MS Charge nurse
Nursing Health Care
Essay, question-answer, assignment
99% satisfaction rate 100% On time rate 8h+ delivery
Nazir G.
Nazir G.
Ph.D. Project manager
Finance Management Economics
Essay, case study, coursework
99% satisfaction rate 100% On time rate 8h+ delivery
Abdallah A.
Abdallah A.
BA SMM specialist
Marketing English 101
Essay, letter, case study
97% satisfaction rate 99% on time rate 8h+ delivery
Christopher M.
Christopher M.
MA Psychologist
Psychology Health Care
Case study, research paper, report
99% satisfaction rate 100% on time rate 4h+ delivery
Rose S.
Rose S.
PhD Translator
Film & Theater Studies Classic English Literature
Letter, literature analysis/review
99% satisfaction rate 100% on time rate 8h+ delivery
Michael J.
Michael J.
Ph.D. Paralegal
Law History Criminal Law
Presentation, essay, case study
100% satisfaction rate 100% on time rate 4h+ delivery
Sophia H.
Sophia H.
BA Business Administrator
Marketing Management Economics
Presentation/PPT, business plan
97% satisfaction rate 98% on time rate 8h+ delivery

Read honest reviews before you choose

Our focus on high quality always gets recognition
Customer ID: 92847546
Great job! I always love the essays from this company!!
Customer ID: 65472856
The writer dude is FACTASTIC, he wrote everything so FAST!! AMAZING, TY!!
Customer ID: 92856451
TBH, I’ve never tried another service, but I don’t think I ever will. The reason being, this service is perfect for me! As a busy student with tough writing tasks, I really need high quality and a writer who fulfills my instructions precisely the way I ask. And this is exactly what I found here! I wanna thank all the writers I’ve worked with!
Customer ID: 43528098
The quality of writing is great, and all citations are correct. Well dome! 10 out of 10!
Customer ID: 13765433
This time my paper is even better than usual, many thanks!
Customer ID: 76509843
I’ve spent a week trying to find a writing service that has a writer who actually knows something about education and my topic. Turns out, real experts are really hard to find (my topic isn’t super rare or too hard). This is the only website where I had my paper written PERFECTLY. Many blessings to my writer. I recommend this service.
Customer ID: 54608674
This service is so great, because of all the amazing papers but also because I get to use it on the go! I can really place an order in just a few minutes! It was a bit scary at first, but now that I’ve learned I can trust these guys, it feels great! If I could give this site 11 points out of 10, I would!
Customer ID: 95726594
I received a very well-written, detailed analysis of the book, thank you kindly!
Customer ID: 65748360
I really enjoy the services of this company, they help me save so much time. 10/10
Customer ID: 87562438
I like that this service provides me with exactly what I pay for every time. I pay for quality and I receive it. I pay for customization, submit my instructions, and receive the paper I want to see. I pay for fast essays when necessary and I get them really fast. The best score deserved, 10/10.
Customer ID: 73645189
You followed all my instructions, I’m genuinely impressed!!! THANK YOU!!!!
Customer ID: 16452648
With this service, I learned what top-level academic style and research actually means. I really taught myself a lot by following the example from the papers I received, so I’m extremely grateful. Needless to say, my grades got better now that I have more knowledge and skill, and that’s what matters a lot to me.

How much essay writing service Dubai costs

Every dollar you pay goes into full personalisation & quality.
If you have any questions, contact our

Type of service
Price starts from $10 per page Pay in 2 parts service available
Any price includes:
  • Title page $3.99Free
  • Bibliography page $3.99Free
  • Formatting (APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago/Turabian)
  • AI & Plagiarism check $3.99Free
  • Revisions $5.99Free

Your task will get easier with our help

Get your top paper from us and enjoy premium quality

Write my essay

Frequently asked questions

Do you use generative AI?

No. We never use any AI to complete your papers. It goes without saying that our writers never plagiarize any content, creating corresponding references for every source they use. This approach helps us guarantee that each and every order we complete is fully customized and original. After all, this is the only way to tailor your papers to your precise academic needs.

How fast can you write my urgent paper?

If your project isn’t very large, we can do it in just 4 hours! We value your time, so our writers always try their hardest to complete your urgent orders as fast as possible. While large projects may take more time, keep in mind that longer deadlines can decrease the sum you pay for your paper.

Why should I trust your level of quality?

There are 3 key factors that make our service trustworthy. Firstly, only 6% of applicants pass our strict selection process and start working as writers, so you’re ordering from the best of the best. Secondly, we control the quality of each and every order, ensuring their high level. Third, we’ve been assisting learners for 19 years, and our experience helps us deliver great quality.

Is your service fully confidential?

Yes, it is. We only ask you to share the minimum amount of information we need to deliver your paper. We never publicly disclose your personal information, like your email address, so you can rest assured that your data is safe. We also protect each and every payment students make on our website with secure encryption.

How much will my paper cost?

Our service is fully customizable, which means that prices vary and that you never pay for what you don't need for your paper. However, one of the key factors is the deadline you set. This means that ordering in advance can save you a lot of money. In any case, our focus on quality makes every dollar you pay a worthwhile investment.

Why so many students need assistance with their papers

If you have come here to get help with your essay or research paper, it’s important to remember that you’re not the only student who needs an essay writing service. In fact, there are many reasons why different learners choose to get professional help. Let’s look at some of the factors that motivate them to do it in more detail.

Firstly, many students have part-time jobs or other personal commitments, like sports and hobbies that take a lot of time and effort. This means that they might struggle to coordinate their studies with other important matters, which is why such busy learners need professional assistance. After all, it sometimes happens that you need an essay written urgently and there are simply no more free slots on your schedule. It’s only natural to rely on real professionals in such a situation.

Secondly, complex instructions and guidelines that seem impossible to understand can also prompt you to seek writing help from experts. After all, educational standards are pretty high, and every single paper is important if you want the best score possible. With our guidance, you can achieve better results and learn to write academic papers according to any standards. That’s another reason why so many learners choose Custom Writings.

Third, some students require additional samples to understand the complex concepts introduced by their teachers. In simple words, sometimes you understand the instructions but don’t really know what to write. If you struggle with inspiration or simply can’t find the right sources, CustomWritings is the service for you. Our writers are always ready to research even the toughest topics and create the exact paper you need to show you how to write it. This way, not only can you upgrade your skills, but you can also understand your strengths and weaknesses as a learner who is an improving academic writer.

You may wonder if there are any alternatives to getting professional assistance. Well, there are, and here’s some more information about them.

Alternative writing help options and why they’re important

Placing an order at CustomWritings isn’t the only thing you can do when you run into a challenging assignment. In fact, there are many more options, like asking your professor for more detailed explanations or sitting down together with your friends to figure out how to complete the task. These options are great when they’re accessible, but they have their own downsides.

For example, your teacher may not have enough time to provide you with personalized guidelines or your friends may have other plans, so they can’t really assist you. If additional questions arise and there’s nobody to ask for clarifications, the situation may get even more confusing. That’s why it’s better to have professional assistance as your backup.

You don’t have to choose one option for getting help with your papers. For instance, you can order a paper at CustomWritings and use it for guidance when you write your own essay with your friends. This way, you can still get multiple opinions and experience the joy of teamwork while making sure you do everything correctly.

Relying on professional writers is beneficial for your studies

If you’re looking for the best essay writing service to provide you with individualized assistance, CustomWritings is up to the task. You might ask, “How can I use the materials I receive from you to maximize the effectiveness of my study process?” Here are a few answers:

  • First and foremost, you can use the essays you get from us as samples. This way, you can follow the professionally written structure step by step, incorporating and developing your own ideas as you go. This approach will allow you to learn from top-level experts and incorporate new knowledge about writing at your own pace.
  • Another way to use the papers you get from us is to analyze them and learn from them. In simple words, you can take your time to more deeply understand the terms used and explained in your paper. When you rely on a professional writer, you can delve into your topic and find new and interesting facts you might have missed before. It goes without saying that this approach can grant you additional inspiration and new ideas. You might also discover more directions for your research from an insightful essay written by one of our experts.
  • If you need to write several essays of the same type, you can reuse the same sample for all of them. If you need a guide to follow the essay structure and feel more confident, you can always rely on a single paper from CustomWritings more than once. Just make sure to double check that the requirements for the essay structure haven’t changed. However, this isn’t the approach we recommend if you need comprehensive assistance with both your paper’s structure and its content. For such cases, it’s best to place a new order for every new task to get personalized help with every aspect of your writing.

How to approach the sources your writer uses

Now that we’ve covered the basics, you might be wondering what to do if you want to use the same sources as your writer. Well, the good news is, you can do that, and you can get the right references from your CustomWritings paper right away! However, there are a few important things you need to do to achieve the best results. Here they are:

  1. Read your source in full. Context is essential when trying to choose the right quote and incorporate it into your own writing. That’s why it’s better to read the full article or book chapter that you want to cite. This way, you can be sure that you’ve understood the author correctly.
  2. If it’s allowed, paraphrase the quote. By doing this, you show your own understanding of the material you’re using and incorporate it better. That’s why our writers paraphrase their quotes pretty often. However, there are cases when professors don’t allow you to change the original words of the author you’re citing. In this case, you can simply include their original formulation with proper formatting.
  3. Pay attention to in-text citations. Always make sure that you mention the correct year and page or paragraph number right after the quote. After all, your readers must be able to find where this phrase is in its original context.

Of course, you can also attach your own sources as files or links, and the writer will cite those materials.

We can write parts of papers and outlines

If you only need one chapter of a dissertation or feel like you can’t finish your paper, we will gladly assist you! After all, it’s pretty common to lose inspiration in the most critical moment when you’re tired, even as the deadline is approaching. That’s why you can always rely on our assistance in this regard. Of course, you’ll need to provide your draft so that your writer has some context for their work.

Our writers are also happy to write detailed outlines with thesis statements, topic sentences, and bibliographies whenever you ask. After all, this type of paper can be even harder to pull off than a full-scale essay, especially if your topic is complex. All you need to do is provide your writer with detailed instructions, the sources you want them to use (if there are any), and your customization requests.

In short, we can assist you in any tough situation when you feel like you aren’t going to cope with your paper on your own. All you need to do is ask us for assistance!

The benefits you get when working with CustomWritings

Our custom essay writing service is all about personalization and quality. Our writers were students once, too, so they know exactly how you feel when you run late with your deadline or have trouble coming up with interesting topic sentences for all the paragraphs of your essay. So, what are the main benefits all this gives you? Well, here’s what you get when working with us:

  • Expert solutions. You won’t have to wonder about whether you did everything right. With guidance from real professionals, you will be sure about the quality of your writing. 
  • Custom papers that follow your guidelines. In other words, the paper you’ll receive will be specific to your request, with everything you ask us to include. If your writer forgets about some detail by accident, you can always get free corrections, so you don’t have to worry about the human factor. We always work towards achieving the best result possible. 
  • Saving a lot of time. Student life can get extremely busy, and paper writing takes a lot of time and effort if you want to do it right without professional help. Such pressure would make anyone scream, “Someone, please, write my essay!” Luckily, CustomWritings is here to help you study more efficiently and get a few extra hours for rest or for something you enjoy doing. 
  • Less stress. All the benefits mentioned above can give you more confidence and reduce the pressure on your nerves. We can’t deny that student life is full of constant tension, which can seriously affect your mental and physical health over time. We’re always there for you to rely on, so you can know you’re not alone even in the toughest moments of your academic journey. All you need to do is ask us for help. 

You may be wondering what practical ways we have of alleviating your stress and making your experience as pleasant as possible. Here are some of the things we do for you to be stress-free when working with us.

Top-level customer support

Our operators are always ready to assist you with any technical difficulties or answer your questions. They work 24/7 to ensure your best experience and explain anything you might want to know about how we work. You can always contact them and expect a detailed and respectful reply.

For example, you can ask our operators for assistance if you aren’t sure how to specify some information about your paper in the order form or if you’re struggling to submit your payment for the task. You can also ask about the niceties of our work if you aren’t sure whether to choose our service and need additional information about it. 

Of course, the assistance of our support team is completely free. We recommend that you use our live chat and describe all the details of your issue to get an answer as fast as possible, without additional explanations from your side. 

Full confidentiality and security

When you order a paper from CustomWritings, you don’t just get top-level quality; you also choose full confidentiality and security. After all, many students have safety concerns and want to maintain their digital hygiene, and we fully understand that desire. That’s why we never ask you for any extra information outside of what’s necessary for delivering your order as fast as possible. In fact, you only need to provide us with your email address. Naturally, we never publicly disclose the information you share with us, so you can feel completely safe when creating your account. 

It goes without saying that we also protect all the payments our customers make, trying our hardest to protect your financial information. We use safe encryption to achieve this result. In short, your CustomWritings experience is confidential and secure in all key aspects, so you can safely rely on our writers at any moment. 

Important features we always include

As you may already know, the price of any order includes a title page, a bibliography, formatting, and AI and plagiarism checks, as well as revisions. This comprehensive pack ensures the top-level quality of every paper our experts write. After all, most of these are the details that differentiate academic papers from any other texts, and no writer wants to forget about them. 

As for the revisions and AI check, it’s only natural that our quality control system ensures that we protect the full originality of your work and leave you with a chance to request corrections within the scope of your original instructions. As you can see, we work hard to provide you with awesome papers every time you order from us, no matter how challenging your task might seem. 

We can help you with college essays of any level

Many students call us the best college essay writing service they have ever seen. So, why is that? Before we explain, let’s quickly go over what a college essay is. This is the type of paper they also call a personal statement, and students typically submit it when they enroll in college to emphasize that they’re going to achieve great results. Now, without further ado, here are three reasons why learners say that CustomWritings is the best place to order this type of paper: 

  1. College essays are important. Many students prefer to rely on professionals when it comes to the papers that can influence their whole academic career instead of writing these essays without assistance. It goes without saying that college essays are among the most important elements of your college applications, since they show what kind of person you are, adding this image to your grades. 
  2. College essays demand personalization. Every student is unique, so your college essay won’t resemble other personal statements, simply because all learners are completely different people. Nevertheless, there are universal academic standards to follow, such as a clear essay structure and even, in some cases, a set number of paragraphs. This means you need to find a balance between sounding academic and persuasive, and this can be a tricky task.
  3. Your college essay should accentuate your strengths and talents. For a college essay, it’s important to showcase your best qualities and convey why you need to be in this specific college or university in just 1 or 2 pages. It can be hard to include every single detail within this limit, so you might need to choose the most important of your achievements and focus on them. This is a challenge in and of itself, so it’s no wonder that you might need professional assistance!

Choosing situations to describe in your college essay

If you have a list of achievements that’s too large, you need to condense it into short easy instructions for a CustomWritings expert, so we recommend that you start by sorting your list. The most important and personality-shaping events, like volunteering for a local hospital, should come first. It’s important to keep in mind how this achievement has prepared you to be a diligent student in the field of your choice. 

Try to think like a college professor who is choosing the best applicants and sort your achievements according to this mindset. Of course, you can always leave this process to your writer since you can give them a list of your important experiences without providing any personal information. Importantly, you’ll need to specify whether your expert should include everything in the essay or can choose the most suitable items from your list. 

Outlining your college essay

Sometimes, you don’t really need a fully written custom essay as much as you require an outline to follow. Perhaps you aren’t sure whether you should include classical quotes to enhance your essay or you’re facing other dilemmas only a good outline can resolve. If that’s the case, you can always place an order at our admission essay writing service and get professional guidance with your personal statement.

All you need to do is mention how you’d like your essay to look and include the requirements from the college you’re enrolling in. If you have any personal preferences (for example, the author whose quote you’d like your writer to use), this information will also be extremely helpful to your expert. After you submit your instructions and pay for your order, we’ll be sure to complete it according to the highest standards.

Achieving maximum personalization and effectiveness

There are a few ways in which you can approach your instructions for a college essay, and the way you write your guidelines can actually influence how much freedom you give to your writer. Whichever approach you prefer, you’re still going to get a high-quality paper, so everything depends on your expectations for your final paper.

Normally, your detailed instructions are enough for us to make your paper as individualized as possible, so you have nothing to worry about if you’ve told your writer your exact requirements. However, you can always go the extra mile and give your writer a choice, mentioning several milestone events in your life and telling your helper in which part of the essay they should be. 

The other way is to let the expert choose the best strategy for presenting your achievements. A professional can assess the significance of every important event in your life before university and describe them with maximum effectiveness. Don’t worry; this approach will keep your paper customized and individualized. 

Our essay writing service can help you with multiple subjects

If you’re wondering how many disciplines we can help you with, the short answer is, there are many to choose from. For example, students who are looking for a great healthcare essay writing service will find nursing, medicine, and medical sciences (which encompass pharmacology and other similar fields of research) on our site. As you can see, you can choose the exact subject you need and rest assured that your writer will have the corresponding qualifications. If you can’t find your discipline on the list, you can always enter your custom option, and the best-suited writer will create a paper that matches your instructions. 

Of course, our writers can deal with many different types of papers as well, and they clearly understand the differences between an essay, a research paper, and a case study. Don’t worry if your instructions aren’t completely standard or you have to use a formatting style that’s not very common. Our experts’ in-depth knowledge combined with full customization will result in a great paper that matches your expectations.

In short, CustomWritings will suit both the learners who need an MBA essay writing service and the students who require assistance with large and complex projects like dissertations. If you need to complete a paper that consists of multiple chapters over a long period of time, you can use our dissertation service. We will provide you with a personal manager and an individual calendar of delivery dates for every part of your project. This approach facilitates the process of completing such an order by saving your time and ensuring that your writer will follow all your instructions.

As you can see, we can assist you with nearly any possible kind of academic writing assignment. The good news is that the scope of our assistance doesn’t end there! Let’s see what else we can offer you.

We can help you with programming and calculations

When you open our order form, you need to choose between academic writing, programming, and calculations. These are the 3 types of projects we can assist you with, and we have qualified experts to match all the subjects you can choose under each category. 

We know that there are fundamental differences between academic papers and coding assignments or mathematical tasks. On top of that, we have specially trained coders and mathematicians who work specifically on such homework. That’s why we have made it easier for you to find the category of tasks you’re looking for by separating our assistance into different categories. 

In short, you can get academic assistance of practically any type at all from our website. All you need to do is place your order and give us precise instructions.

How to use CustomWritings to your advantage

If you’ve already decided to buy essay from us, there are a few tips we want to share before you proceed with placing your order. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to get the most out of our service.

  • You can save money by planning your orders. The fundamental rule is simple, and it states that the longer the deadline you set, the less you pay. As long as you keep this in mind and place as many orders as possible in advance, you’re sure to save quite a bit of money. 
  • You can use CustomWritings to understand the most complex concepts. You might not need help with every task, but there are always some tricky papers and assignments you just don’t have the energy for. That’s why you can use our website as a helping hand throughout your academic career and refer to us when you need professional assistance most. This is a pretty useful strategy that many students have adopted for themselves, becoming our returning customers.
  • If you have a need for urgent assistance, we can save the day. It can always happen that you have to complete an unexpected and large assignment or your essay’s deadline is too short for you to handle it alone. In these cases, you can ask us for urgent assistance, and, if your essay isn’t large, we will complete it in just 4 hours. Our writers are reliable professionals, so they always try their hardest to finish your projects before the deadline, and we work hard to deliver them as soon as possible.

Of course, your own patterns of using CustomWritings don’t need to be identical to the strategies above. It goes without saying that you’re free to use our service in the way that’s most comfortable for you and fulfills your individual academic needs. 

How we choose the best experts for CustomWritings

When you decide to hire an essay writer, you want the best one available. We’re fully aware of this fact, so we’ve created a strict selection system, and only 6% of candidates make it through and become a part of the CustomWritings team. So, how do we do it? 

Firstly, we check the documents and confirm the identity of every individual who wants to become one of our experts. Once that’s done, we conduct the first job interview that assesses the soft skills of every candidate, which includes the ability to work in a team, time management, and other similar competencies. 

Secondly, we have each candidate complete a test task that shows their hard skills. There are 2 purposes to this stage. Firstly, it lets us verify that the person who wants to be a writer has enough knowledge and a real education that enables them to complete tough orders. Secondly, we confirm that it’s really the candidate and none other who delivers the ready task. This way, we know for sure that our future writer is a skilled and honest individual. 

Third, there’s the final task designed by our seasoned quality experts. The essence of this test is to put the writer into our work environment and let them “resolve” made-up non-standard cases that test their understanding of the position they’re applying for and their readiness to deal with professional challenges. 

As you can see, we pay close attention to all the details and only hire reliable and competent specialists who can actually handle your assignments in a professional way. This is one of the key reasons why so many learners trust us to complete their papers at the highest level possible. 

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