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How International Students Can Make the Most of Thanksgiving in New York 2024

thanksgiving in new york 2023

Image from Freepik

New York. A city where all your dreams can come true if you try (so they say). I moved here for the same reason: to fulfill my long-held dream of becoming a marketer. I have been living here for quite a while, and I have come to know and love American holidays. But one holiday in particular. I like Thanksgiving very much, and I would like to share with you what it is like to celebrate this wonderful holiday in New York, the city that has become my home. So, Thanksgiving in New York 2024, we are ready for you!

What I Know About Thanksgiving and Why I Love It

I am a sociable person, and I like it when people are open and care about each other. Maybe that’s why I happened to like Thanksgiving so much. After all, it’s about caring for others and being thankful for the blessings you have in your life. When I came to the United States, I knew some things about this holiday. After all, it appears in many movies. (Who doesn’t love a good romantic comedy from Hollywood?)

So, I was aware of the basics:

But these things were new to me:

Thanksgiving 2024 Ideas or How I Celebrated It in the Dorm

thanksgiving 2023

Source – Giphy

In one of my articles, I told how I moved from a dorm to a rented apartment. However, before I moved out, I had a chance to celebrate Thanksgiving with my friends there. Although I didn’t really enjoy the experience of living in the dormitory, that was the reason why I moved out (Captain Obvious’ note). Thanksgiving with friends in the dorm was an interesting and enjoyable experience. You can use it and transform it into your own Thanksgiving 2024 ideas.

Since we students usually don’t have much money, especially for fancy celebrations, everything was quite modest. My friends and I cooked a delicious dinner. Instead of the usual turkey, we opted for chicken (it’s cheaper and easier to cook). On this holiday, I tried cranberry sauce for the first time and fell in love with it. I also found out that not all Americans are crazy about it. Together with the chicken, the girls also served fresh vegetables and tried to bake a pumpkin pie. We didn’t do a great job, but it was eatable though.

To fill the room with a festive atmosphere, I decorated it with autumn leaves and small pumpkins. My friends and I painted them beforehand and put a few on the table as well. It looked really nice. When we sat down at the table, everyone expressed what they were grateful for. It was a touching moment, I enjoyed it so much. There was an atmosphere of unity in the air.

Our gang had eaten deliciously, and we decided to have some fun. Since we were late with dinner, it would have been a waste of time to go looking for a place to watch the Macy’s parade. My friends and I watched it on TV that year. Cocktails, board games, and a lot of laughter followed. It was truly a day to remember.

A Thanksgiving I’ll Never Forget

thanksgiving 2023 in new york

Source – Giphy

When the entire civilized world was covered by the pandemic, Thanksgiving was different. The Macy’s Parade, one of the most prominent signs of this holiday, was smaller and without the iconic pomp. Instead of 2.5 miles, the parade went only one block. It was sad and depressing. I was sitting at home with some baked chicken and green peas. That was all I forced myself to cook. Although my friends called me and congratulated me on the holiday, there was no one around. That holiday was very lonely, and I am glad that we were able to curb COVID-19 and regain our normal life.

Thanksgiving in New York 2024: Where to Go and What to Do?

Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. Every year, it is a different date. But it’s not the date that matters, but the day of the week. Since it’s a Thursday, most people take the next day off and get a real holiday vacation. During these four days, New York, which never sleeps, looks even busier. So, what can you spend your fall vacation on?

thanksgiving 2023 guide

Source – Giphy

These are my personal Thanksgiving ideas. You can come up with something completely different and spend this day another way. New York is rich in entertainment options, especially on Thanksgiving, and everyone can find something they like best.

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